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American equity markets recover Tuesday (Barcelona) - The US stock market experienced a steadfast surge Tuesday, attempting to pare some of yesterday’s losses. In the United States, Consumer Price Index (YoY and MoM) came in at +1.5% in March (against expectations of +1.7%) and -0.2% in March (vs. projections of +0.1%). Finally, Consumer Price Index ex Food & Energy (YoY) yielded a growth of +1.9% in March, compared to estimates of +2.0%.

Beginning with the indices and composites, the NASDAQ rose +0.72% as it settles in region of 3239.70, up +23.70 points in these moments. In addition, the S&P 500 is trading in positive territory, operating at 1562.57, ascending +10.70 points or +0.69% at the time of writing. Finally, the Dow Jones has edged higher at the opening, trading in the zone of 14699.65, presently +0.69% after a movement of +100.45 points.

Sectors are all higher at the opening, however the Basic Materials and Technology sectors have distinguished themselves as the main winners thus far, climbing +1.19% and +0.76% respectively. In other news, the price of crude is testing USD $88.34/bbl Tuesday.

Forex: USD/CAD finds support as Draghi speaks

Despite spiking higher in early trading, USD/CAD has declined today, and is currently finding an element of near term support as ECB President Draghi is speaking at the EU Parliament.
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IMF cuts global growth for fourth consecutive time, European recession likelihood 50%

Earlier today, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) trimmed its global growth forecast and urged European policy makers to use “aggressive” monetary policy as a second year of contraction leaves the euro area’s recovery lagging behind the rest of the world. The global economy will continue to grow a further 3.3% this year, less than the 3.5% forecast in January, after 3.2% growth in 2012, the fund noted today, cutting its prediction for this year a fourth consecutive time.
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