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Forex Flash: Could JPY revert to worlds key funding currency? – UBS (Barcelona) - The BoJ's role in monetary easing cannot be understated. As it will be the main source of liquidity provision (OMT pending) when/if the Fed steps back, the JPY could even revert to the status of the world's key funding currency. According to Research Analyst Gareth Berry at UBS, “This could happen in two forms: firstly, Japanese investment flows would once again head overseas in size - shifts global markets are already heavily anticipating.”

Moreover, if the JPY is to be an outright financing currency for capital flows and trade flows - another shift the Japanese government appears to be pushing for - the much feared exit economic impact of dollar-based investors heading for the exit could yet be delayed. This point may be good for asset prices and short-term sentiment, but in the long-term the BoJ might actually be doing their Asian neighbors a disservice. Last Thursday, China's State Administration of Foreign Exchange already warned that the yen's sharp decline could prove destabilizing.

Forex: USD/CAD tests the 1.0200

The US dollar is trading higher today against its Canadian counterpart and after rising around 45 pips from intra-day low at 1.0155 reached in the European session, the pair USD/CAD has broken above the 1.0180 level and tested the 1.0200 frontier.
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Fundamental Afternoon Wrap: JPY tops focus this afternoon

This afternoons institutional research has a narrower and more retrospective focus, most probably due to the quiet calendar and lack of upcoming "scheduled" risk events. JPY is is main focus, but an eye is being kept on the simmering Portuguese situation too.
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