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Forex Flash: EUR/USD remains bullish above 1.2660/20 – Societe Generale (Barcelona) - The single currency is parked around 1.2815/20 on Friday, as trade remains flat-lined on Good Friday. As expected, there were no market-movers with enough ability to weight on the cross – if any at all - with market participants already shifting their focus on next week’s ECB meeting.

“Our technical analyst sees that only a weekly close for EUR/USD below 1.2660/20 would negate the bullish pattern arising from the June 2012 to January 2013 rally. Our quant USD positioning indicator remains firmly in long-USD mode”, explained the research team at Societe Generale.

Forex: AUD/USD sideways trading at 1.0409/10

The AUD/USD has continued its sideways trading Friday, in a heavily muted session given the Easter holidays. Having moved little off its opening, the cross is now incurring a marginal loss of -0.01%, settling at 1.0409/10 in these moments.
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Forex Flash: JPY strategy profile – Westpac

The splurge of month end data in Japan is upon us, and with it we think increased signs of frustration around Abenomics. We get PMI, IP, jobless, CPI and employment tomorrow. On top of that we get Tankan Monday and then it’s bunker down for the BoJ meeting Wed/ Thu. Domestic data will be worth watching to gauge the extent data falls short of very elevated expectations e.g. IP forecast up 2.5%. To be sure though, the BoJ will be the critical driver for the yen for the week.
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